Friday, February 27, 2009

Winter Blues...Grays....blah!

Winter weather is the pits! I am such a warm weather creature. Put me on an island that has plenty of sunshine, warm beaches and salty ocean water and am a happy soul --- yep, I guess the winter blues have hit! Today has been an interesting day. The day began with the gray sky and misty rain falling.again. It has been a very wet and dreary week here. I long for a warm sunny beach! After Jim left for work this morning, I poured myself a second cup of coffee and was determined to get moving! Just as I was about to hit the shower, the apartment went dark! Yep, all power - gone. So, I retreated to the window to read a little, but the sunshine was not appearing! I waited patiently hoping the sun would begin to shine or the lights return -- I am spoiled and just love the modern convenience of electricity! After one hour, no lights, no internet, no phone, no heat! BRRRRR --The concrete walls in the apartment keep the temperature cold.

I was able to get the engineers to come to our room and investigate the problem. As they assessed the power outage, I found another sweatshirt and added the fourth layer of clothing to my body. I was told they could fix the problem - yipee! As they worked I busied myself with a few small tasks and considered the rest of my day. I was not prepared for the repairs to take most of the morning! They made several attempts to correct the power outage problem. Let's see, the lights work, television, and the internet (whew), but I can not express just how cold my hands are at this very moment. I am still wearing the layers of clothing and sit with a comforter over me as I type. It is sooooo cold! I have moved our birds, Fred and Ethel into the bathroom and they are enjoying a day under the heat lamps. Perhaps I will join them!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey there! I hope that u 2 are well! I finally got to check this out! Wow- Very neat- Great picts too! I hope you have some good weather now. All is well on NPA. The kids r out of school and summer has begun! We have been getting lots of rain in the past week. We hope 2 get back 2 IOP this Thurs, Fri or on the weekend...
Take care Jim and Tammy-