Thursday, January 31, 2008

Ho Ho HO!

It has been some time since I last posted to the blog site. I didn't realize that I had failed to post what a wonderful time we had at the Holiday Party with the children at the orphanage! The party was a complete morning of fun for all! The day weather turned bitterly cold just days before the party. As expected, the heat was not on in the building and each child was snuggled up tight in layers of clothing. We were instructed to hold the party in the foyer of the building. As each van of volunteers arrived we went upstairs to gather the children in our arms, in wheelchairs, and baby walkers and bring them to the foyer. The senior adults who live at the center also were adorable as they each came into the foyer to observe the festivities. Many of them sat in chairs along the side walls of the foyer. They had as much fun as the children!

The older children helped decorate the Christmas trees and bring the younger ones downstairs. We played music and sang songs and had the best time! The party was a buzzing scene of joy!

A local hotel provided food for the party. The menu was chicken nuggets, french fries, juice boxes, small little ears of corn and little sandwiches. Fruit was also provided but I believe the biggest hit was the chicken nuggets and french fries! We played games such as pin-the-nose on the snowman, ring toss, chopsticks relay and other fun games.

The volunteer group was honored at the party by the director of the center! It was a BIG deal and we were grateful for his appreciation of our group's efforts to improve the life of the children and care givers. The older children sang to us! They sang in Chinese and although I could not understand the words, their voices were beautiful! Even little Chu Chu sang as loud as her lungs would allow!

Following the enjoyment of food and fun, it was time for Santa to make his appearance. We quickly had to get Santa changed and in costume and then enter the room. He didn't disappoint and the kids loved him! Small gift bags had been prefilled for each child and the moment was magical. They gift bags were accepted with such sincere appreciation. The smiles beamed from their faces as they quickly opened the bags to find small toys, hats, and some food treats.

The children had experienced a busy morning that resembled a terrific party by any measure. With full tummies and hearts, the children were ready for nap time. We all took a child or two back upstairs to the nursery and once again loved on them for a few moments. It is always so difficult to place them in the steel institutional style beds and leave, but it was again time to depart.

I left with the certainty that each of them would sleep, nestled all snug in their beds while visions of chicken nuggets and french fries danced in their heads. With Ayis quietly resting and the volunteers all on their way, it was for a moment a very fine Chinese Christmas Day!

Merry Christmas sweet ones! Merry Christmas to All and to All a Good Night!

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