Thursday, November 20, 2008

How the Journey began...

I have a friend who was kind enough to remind me that I didn't really give any explanation to our arrival in China.

Well, here are the initial steps to our journey to Suzhou.....
My husband works for a textile engineering company. The company has undergone many changes during his career time of 30 years there. The company was located in our hometown of Atlanta, Georgia and we lived and worked happily near our families and friends. Life changes began in 2003 when he was given the abrupt news that the company would be closing the facility where he worked. The path of our life at that time was one child leaving for college and the other about to graduate high school. Following much prayer, we made a choice to move our family to Charleston, SC and Jim would continue working for the same company.

During the same year, I made a summer trip to China with other volunteers to teach English in the classroom setting for 2 weeks. My trip was filled with the wonderful amazing sights of Beijing and other areas of China. I met so many wonderful people and my heart was immediately changed - forever. I developed a great love for the people of China at that time. On one of the evenings that I called home during my trip, Jim tells me that his company is planning to open a facility in .... CHINA! Wow! Have you ever had one of those moments where deep within your spirit you know that the news will change your life? That is exactly how I felt at that moment. I was silent and Jim asked me what was up? I tried to explain to him that I felt we would be living in China one day. He didn't quite "get it" at that moment. My visit ended and I returned to unpack our lives in a new home and new community.

It was during the next year that Jim would have an opportunity to live and work here in Suzhou for six months with his company. His company sent him over to assist with some initial training and other facility work. To be completely honest, I was a bit sore that he was being given this gift of living in China rather than myself! What I didn't understand was that his heart needed to be touched and melted for the people too! After six long months of him working here in China and me living separately in a new home, new friends, new job that I began to realize our lives would be taking many new paths. Our son was busy pursuing his degree in another state and our daughter had just begun her adventure in the college life. I will admit that I allowed some roots of bitterness to become entangled around my heart as I took on a new job and was not quite sure of why and where our lives were going. Jim's job was taking him to China and I was the new kid on the block in a new job, etc. Some people call it an "empty nest" syndrome...probably some truth to that - -but I also know that I didn't apply my core principles of faith to my life and therefore slipped into a spiritual drought.

As time progressed and Jim returned to the states to live and continue working there, I pretty much felt like I would not see China again except on a personal vacation. I allowed my heart's desire to return to China to grow cold and I buried myself into my work. It was about July of 2007 when a co-worker called me one night and told me to turn on the TV -- when I did it was all about China! Immediately, my heart was again flooded with the familiar longing to return to this great nation. Why? I knew that we had a life in the states and two children in college, a mortgage and all that goes with life -- bills, commitments. I have not even mentioned the emotional pull of family and friends. Again, I placed my inner thoughts and emotional tugs to the side.

It was sometime early December that Jim received a call from a co-worker here in China and the question was asked -- "How do you feel about living and working in China?" Jim responded with for how long? He didn't want to return and work another six months without my being able to join him. The details became clearer and the offer was for two years. We began to pray about what our decision should be....leave our children who are young adults, leave our family and friends, sell the house? God's answer was clear that we were to return to China. So, we told our family --- at a very untimely moment -- Christmas Day--- that we were moving to China. Talk about a Christmas Grinch Moment! We didn't want to tell them via phone or email and as most families know, the face to face gatherings for out-of-state family time is well, holidays. I still recall the hurt and pain it caused for my parents-- but I pray they have a peace about where we are living and why we are here.

This is a long story but please hang in we returned to our jobs in SC following the Christmas holiday, we learned on January 11th that the facility in SC where Jim worked was closing the doors! Amazing how God was preparing us to move even before we knew that Jim's job was being removed from SC anyway! My employer was a home builder and developer and if you know anything about the home building industry in the states you know it has been in financial crisis now for about a year. The job I held was in a position where I was privilege to a great deal of confidential information and I knew that the company would not last through the crisis. My only question was for how long will I work? My job ended in Feb. 2008. Jim was scheduled to depart for China April 30. We quickly painted the house and cleaned as best we could and placed the house on the "for sale" market. Typically, houses in the beautiful town we lived in sold very quickly, but alas -- the housing market was flooded with homes for sale! So, again, my fragile faith began to question -- Lord, are you sure you want us to move? Are we really supposed to be in China? How will we sell our home? Should we really sell our home? When will we sell our home? Answers? Not really--- I was so concerned that perhaps I didn't hear the Lord -- maybe I was just so wanting to return to China that I was self-directing....I had certainly not been living my faith like I should.

It was after a dear friend invited me to attend a seminar in ATL - home - that I would have a clear answer and understanding. Jim was already here in China and I was very distraught. No employment -- houses were not selling and well - I was not hearing any answers to soothe my fears. During the seminar one of the speakers asked if any of us were in a dry and dusty desert? Did we feel that God had led us to a place and left us? HELLO? She was talking to me! After the message of encouragement -- I realized, that was just like God -- he led Jim to China and had me remain in SC to teach us something about ourselves and about Him! I was so humbled to be reminded that yes, he was leading and had never left me! I surrendered that day to accept the time ahead .... No matter what the outcome would be.... It was upon my return from the trip to ATL that a contract was placed on our home and it sold. The next month was a flurry of shuffling items to self-storage -- ATL to my parents home / my sister's home and moving items to the apt for our children. The moving company came in and finished the job of packing up the house and taking most of the items to permanent storage. My mom and aunt came over in early April to help us clean and make the house look pretty for the buyers. My dad came over in July to assist with the overseeing of the movers and self-storage moves. Wonderful neighbors came and cleaned our home as I exited. They were angels sent just when I needed them. My strength was gone and my heart was aching -- the reality of leaving family and my children and friends behind was about to overwhelm me.

So, following the closing and move out the house -- I stayed a week more with my children in a tiny little apt and packed up three very large, heavy overstuffed luggage bags, one trunk, and a carry on bag and boarded a plane at 4:30 AM in Charleston. I still remember my kids helping me get the luggage to the car. My strapping healthy son, tells me that the plane just may crash! Mom, do you really need all of this stuff? Such a guy! And yep -- needed every bit of it - Jim was thrilled with the food stuffs I packed and of course he was happy to have Listerine and toothpaste, etc. Ryan honestly didn't think I would be allowed to board the plane with the heavy bags -- but God went before me there too! The line was LONG at check in and the little man who was the ticket agent, simply said, "You gotta be kidding me!" when he weighed each luggage item. Let's just say that total weight was over 300 lbs! I am so grateful they didn't charge me for the over weight limit -- I only paid for the two additional bags-- whew! Today, the airlines have strict fees and restrictions - -I fear I may be to blame for some of that! As I was leaving to board the plane, my sweet and comedian daughter says to me, "Study hard now, and we will see you at Thanksgiving!" She told me that she felt like the roles had been reversed and I was the kid leaving home for school. How sweet -- she kept me from absolutely losing it there in the departure line. I waited and lost it on the plane. My reunion with Jim was just one week prior to our 25th wedding anniversary. We had been given such a gift -- to celebrate our anniversary together!

I am daily humbled and so grateful the opportunity to live here in Suzhou. It is not "home" and I painfully miss the sounds of family. I miss my children and their smiles and occasional drop in visits to the house. I miss the family pets -- the wagging of Gibson's tail and the little love bites from Sassy. I miss the smell of Jasmine in the backyard and the feel of dirt in my hands when planting new flowers. I miss taking a quick drive to the ocean and feeling the sand between my toes. I miss seeing the tall pine trees and the red Georgia clay! I miss my sister and her sweet adorable family! With all that I dearly miss - I am where God wants me to be for now. So despite my aches for home....I am content.

The community here is such a melting pot of cultures. I believe I have met people from almost every country on the globe living and working here in Suzhou. The expat community is very large and we have a wonderful time! The local people here in Suzhou are for the most part very welcoming and friendly. I know our time will go very fast and I hope to make the most of every opportunity here!

I hope my long winded explanation doesn't run you away from the blog. I promise the next posts will not be quite so lengthy!

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